Fiestas Patrias 

September 18th was a day they’ve been telling us about since we arrived in Chile. Fiestas Patrias is the celebration of the time that Chile began to reclaim its identity rather than to settle as a European colony. This year September 18th was on a Monday so everyone started celebrating the previous Friday night and it was CRAZY! 

The first thing we did a week prior was celebrate with our study abroad program, ISA. They threw a big picnic for everyone with tons of empanadas and chorripan and typical Chilean party activities. We had tug of war, three legged races, potato sack races, relay races, and a traditional dance competition-Cueca (my partner and I came in third nbd). Here are some pictures from that day! 

Aside from celebrating early with ISA, the rest of the country started celebrating Friday night, September 15th. Being the typical Chilean that I am, I too started celebrating that night. My friends and I went to Las Ramadas, this is a huge outdoor event with tons of food (mostly meat) and tons of drinks (mostly terremotos-a super sweet drink with ice cream in it). There were thousands of people because there is only one of these in the whole city of Viña Del Mar, so you can imagine everyone was there. 

Saturday was one of the first really hot days here, so my friend Atiya and I went to the beach for a few hours and did lots of walking around in the city. That night I met up with more friends and went to a Fish Frying Fiesta! This was in Playa Ancha, which is an area in Valparaíso. When we arrived there was a huge bonfire, tons of people and tons of fish! After that we went to Las Ramadas that were in Playa Ancha. This weekend is one of the craziest of the years because everyone in the city is out and about, and I’m so glad I could experience the typical activities. 

Sunday was a day of rest, I didn’t really do much and was too tired to go out and about. 

Monday, the official day, September 18th!! This might have been my favorite day because no one had work or school so my whole host family was home and we had a huge barbecue and lunch together. Throughout the whole country families were having these asados (barbecues) and spending time together because it’s a national holiday and people don’t go back to work or school till Wednesday. I ate a ton of food, drank a lot of drinks, and spent and amazing day with my host family!! Days like this I wouldn’t trade for the world, and I’m so glad that I have had this opportunity!! 

For the rest of the week I didn’t have class, so on Monday night I took the last bus to the airport and got ready for my week long trip to BOLIVIA and PERU!!! Next blog coming soon!!! 

2 thoughts on “Fiestas Patrias 

  1. Michelle

    You are just having waaaaaaaaay toooooo much fun. I am so happy that you are able to experience so much of Chilean life. 3rd place in a traditional Chilean dance competition? I can’t wait for you to show us your moves when you get back home. Who knew! 😘 I can’t wait for the photos and blog of Bolivia and Peru.

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